About Us
We're excited and ready to take care of your residential and commercial laundry needs!
Hello, Savannah! We're the Siciliani family! As a family-run business and with the community in mind, we think of our customers like family and strive to make sure everyone has a great experience when in our store.
Our Huebsch machines get your laundry done in nineteen minutes for a regular wash in a six-load machine. Then they spin clothes at 200G force. As a result, clothes are drier coming out of the wash, reducing time in the dryers. Our machines also come in various sizes, including 20lb, 40lb, 60lb, 80lb, and 100lb washers and three size dryers.
We proudly serve the following areas: Greater Savannah (downtown, Ardsley Park), Richmond Hill, Skidaway Island, Isle of Hope, Whitemarsh Island, and Wilmington Island.
Our Team